Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lazy eye

ooooh pooh :(
Baby went to see his new doctor today.  She's super young, but she's really good.  He got 3 shots, and he was a real champ.  Cried for about 2 minutes, that's it!

His weight and height are average, head measurement is a little under average.  Which is normal, Daddy has a small head and it's genetic.

Bad news is, his left eye is a bit lazy when he looks straight ahead.  We're going to get a call from the doctor's office for an appointment at the Children's Hospital to see a pediatric ophtalmologist (try saying that 5 times!)  Both of us wear glasses, I'm scared Baby will have to wear glasses too.  I hate seeing young kids with glasses, break my heart.  Anywho, it's not the worst thing in the world, and it certainly is treatable, we'll wait and see. (Maybe you can see it in this old pic...looking back on some pics of him, I see it now, it's light and barely noticeable, but when you know, you see it)

Good news though, it's way too early to see an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) about his ear infections.  Doc says she's not worried, it happens all the time and we'll re-evaluate at the next appointment in 6 months.

I have a vision of a kid with hearing problems, glasses, braces, allergies....oh god.

Sigh.  Can't do anything about it now, and nothing's diagnosed yet, so I can sleep well tonight.

Good night, invisible friends! xox


  1. Awwwwwwwww!!! Don't worry MJ! Try not to think about that vision too much hehe... I think as moms, we tend to worry a little more than we should... like you said, it hasn't been diagnosed yet, so lets hope for the best!!!

    p.s. 1: Can't wait to see you soon!!
    p.s. 2: You look really good in that picture :)
    p.s. 3: My daycare is still open. We survived day three... shocking :)


  2. Well it's not the end of the world lol. My daughter has glasses, allergies, needs braces and used to have tubes in her ears :)

    I have a friend that has a VERY lazy eye. She had a few surgeries and had to wear glasses and it's still bad :(
