Friday, June 4, 2010

Ear infection #4

Ahhhh, and we're back to antibiotics.  What a night last night.....I mean, who needs to sleep anyways!!

Doctor said this antibiotic was a strong one and should work.  It's real penicillin mixed with and antibiotic, so I'm crossing my fingers it will do the trick.  Poor kid.  Sometimes parents aren't too perspicacious.  What can I say, it's our first time at this!

Lots of changes at work too.  My beloved boss has announced that he will be leaving our team and leading another one.  We sat down to chat one on one, and got offered to follow him if I want.  How cool is that!  I'm happy doing the work I'm in for now..until my next mat leave.  Then I'll most likely go back to my boss in his new team.  That is still about 2 years from now, but it's nice to have a plan, no? :)

My mom is just awesome.  Baby stayed at home today since he hadn't slept almost all night, and she came to babysit him.  She even came to the clinic with me, then to the pharmacy. Bless her, I need her so!  She is just amazing and better be around for a LONG time.  No turning in early like Dad, no sir!!  

Daddy's gone to do the groceries.  Thank goodness for him.  Our fridge has echo in it.  Grand Canyon echo.  My gosh, I have wonderful people surrounding me.  I must one heck of a catch....LOL!!  

Gimme a shout out in the comments if you can, I feel like I'm writing alone.

Lonely, I'm mrs. Lonely.  I have nobodyyyyy, to call my ownnnnnn

1 comment:

  1. Hope your little guy is feeling better!!! xox
