Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Ahhh, but not the pill you think!

I'm back on prenatal vitamins :) Those damn horse-size pink pills. Thank goodness they are easy to swallow.

Since I found out that there's a good gap between my c-section and my next pregnancy and will probably be available for VBAC (natural birth after cesarean), Daddy and I figured we could go ahead and actively try to get pregnant again! I'd really like to try and have my next baby naturally if I can, since that's the way God intended us to do it. And at least if I try and it's not working and need another cesarean section, then at least I'll have tried (again!).

Went out with my girls last night. Went to a restaurant called the Foolish Chicken (cool name, eh?!) They have a gluten free menu; one of my friend has intolerences to wheat and pretty much any food there is. Poor her, if that would happen to me, I'd be devastated, food for me is one of the best things in the world. I came back home late last night, so I'm tired this morning. Good thing we have a team building event going on this afternoon at work! We're actually going bowling. It's going to be lots of fun (many people think it's lame, I'm really excited…maybe I'm lame?)

I made a luxury purchase the other day, I'll probably get it tonight. Got it shipped home so I wouldn't have to go shopping for it. Yes, I'm lazy like that. I love the internet. So I bought a freggin' clothes steamer! I don't have time to take our clothes out of the dryer in time, so EVERYTHING is wrinkled, which is not so bad after you fold it and put it away, but I can't have my work clothes look like crap. And I have no desire time to iron all of them, so I'm taking the easy way out. Making my life simpler and more pleasant, is how I'm justifying it! I'm excited to try it out!

Baby has been a ball of hapiness lately. I'm guessing it's because he's actually healthy, and not sick! Other than his runny nose, he's in good health and spirits, which was not the case for the first 2 months of daycare. So it's a nice freggin' change! He's such a happy baby, it's unbelievable. And right now, you're probably jinxing me, thinking it won't be like that when he's 2, but pooh you, don't burst my bubble! :)

Hope you have a great day today, send me good vibes for my bowling afternoon…I'll need it, or I'll get my ass kicked!!

1 comment:

  1. So... how was bowling??? Any fun during an earthquake??? YIKESS!!! Scariest minutes of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
