Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Venting! and Walking!


I must be pregnant….I'm in such a bad mood this morning, people are pissing me OFF! I'm at work right now and I've va a similar day yesterday, being frustrated. It's nothing in particular, just an accumulation of assholes who make me grind my teeth and want to bitch slap them. Oh how I wish I could! That would make me feel sooooo much better! I especially hate service clerks and supervisors right now.. I wish I could yell at them, my blood pressure would be a lot healthier, don't you think?

Let me just say this: Fucking people you piss me off, can't fucking do your jobs, you fucking idiots!!! Piece of shit, I wish you would leave so I can fucking do my job, I'm not your fucking puppet, you better start taking me seriously or I'll fucking kick your ass to the curb!

Breathe in………and breathe out…..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. OK, I'm good to move on. Alright, now that I've vented a bit, here's the good news!


YES! He's been really wanting to walk more with our help, not wanting to be in his stroller. Ladies at the say care yesterday said that he was really on the verge of walking, which can be translated in "he's started to walk, but we can't tell you it'll hurt your fellings, so try it at home and get it on tape!". And that's just what we did! I got a short movie on my camera (which by the way, haven't had time to install the sorftware on my Mac, but really intend to, soon…!). It's crazy, he found the confidence to let go of our hand and take a few steps on his own. I'm so proud!! He was scared of doing it by himself and I thought it would take at least another month for him to do it. But nope, he went ahead and impressed me a lot sooner than I thought! I'll post the video on Facebook, since I can't here.

And at the same time (of course, never one thing at a time, right?), he has a teeth coming out, so he had a bit of a fever and diarhea this morning. Sorry, TMI. But I'm freggin' glad there's more teeth coming, because he's had his 4 little teeth for about 3 months now. He's also had trouble eating yesterday, and I was wondering why! Eureka! Another baby at daycare has the same thing, so we're happy it's just that and not another ear infection. Touch wood, it's been almost a month now!

Anywho, I've been thinking about this friend of mine, K, who's in Montreal and I haven't seen her in a while. Maybe I'll give her a call.

Canada Day is tomorrow! It's a stat holiday, so we'll try and go do some outdoors activities with Baby, have a little fun. If he's up for it, I hope the teething thing doesn't keep him from enjoying our time together tomorrow.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Omnivore's Delight

Here's a exert from O Mag of this month.
As you know, I love food, and here's a passage from an article that I totally loved.  I wanted to share it with you.  As written by Katie Arnold-Ratliff.

"Whenever I fly home from New York, I head to In-N-Out straight from the airport.  I love Long John Silver's chicken planks.  And God help me if I spot a Krispy Kreme.  In my cabinets you'll find Oreos, boxed mac and cheese (best served studded with hot dog chunks), and six flavors of potato chips - none of them low fat.  

Now seems a good time to mention my butt, boobs and stomach, which are ample.  I'd rather have curves than agonize over whether I deserve dessert.  Plus, I look great in vintage dresses, and according to at least one small child, my hugs are pleasantly squishy."

I just had to smile when I read that.  A woman that embraces her curves and isn't afraid to proclaim she doesn't eat salad and celery so she can look like Angelina Jolie.  Let's celebrate!!!

From one food lover to another.

I also want to point out that mac and cheese IS best with hot dogs chunks.


"One of the delights of life is eating with friends;
second to that is talking about eating.
And, for an unsurpassed double whammy,
there is talking about eating while you're eating with friends."

Growing up and eating apples

Well, I guess Baby is growing up!  He's eating apples, Holly Lord have mercy!
Baby is not only a fussy eater, but he's a gagger.  He gags to everything.

I tried something new today and it took!  Gave him a real apple to nibble on and he not only likes it, he's able to eat it without (almost, just a few times doesn't count, right?) choking!  Poor little guy has only 4 teeth still and since he gags all the time, we're kinda scared to give him foods that are more chunky.

But I DID IT!!  well, he did, but hell, I'm taking the credit for it today :)

There's apple crumbs everywhere and it's a mess, but he's eating it, woooooohoooo!

On another food related note, I went out today to spend a gift card I got on Mother's Day.  I bought 6 Pear flavoured shea butter soaps.  I say flavoured, because even if it's not the right word to describe a non-edible item, it's much more fun, and human are edible, right?.... I mean kissable and things.  Yeah...moving on! :)

I have pics to post of this apple adventure, but since Daddy's camera is new and I can't find the software CD, nor the computer cord, well, it'll have to wait.  But I promise to add them to this post!

Happy supper tonight!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Ho. Lly. Crap.
I thought it was the canadian 9/11.

Last post was on our bowling morning.  We had a team building activity that afternoon with about 70 coworkers.  I took my car that day, I usually take the bus to work.  I got there for noon and we all had pizza together, while checking out the team they had put together on a big board.

First game was played with 3 new people I didn't know.  Which was nice because I love meeting new people (helped that one of them was cute..uh hum...).  We played our first game of 5 pin (it's a canadian thing:  We had 2 games scheduled, with different teams and different alleys.  After we finished our first game, I went to stand next to the team board, so I could mark down our scores, as we had prizes for high and low scores.  A lot of people were around, so I was waiting for the crowd to clear a bit.  From where I was standing, I could easily see the exit, the bar and most of the 27 alleys.

I was chatting with a coworkers when we heard this explosion-like rumble which seems to come from the floors above.  The alleys are in the basement of the building, and there 2 or 3 floors of offices above.  My first thought was that there was an explosion, but then I noticed that the ground was shaking, so that explosion was, in my head, collapsing the building.  Dust was coming down from the building and next thing I know an employee runs for the exit yelling for people to get out.  I had my bowling shoes on, but I had my heels in my hand and my purse on my shoulder.  We all ran for the exit at the same time while the building shook, and I though, was going to fall down on our heads.  I ran like hell out of there and far in the parking lot as well.  I though it odd that I was the only one smart enough to get away from the building if it fell down.  Everyone was staying close, I thought they were all very stupid, or just had a death wish.

After a couple minutes by myself far from everybody, it was obvious the building was staying up, so I came to talk to people about it and found out it was an earthquake.  PHEW!!  My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding.  I pulled out my cell and called a few people, and I learned from other coworkers that some cell towers were out, thank goodness mine wasn't.  We couldn't go back in the building, I think we had to wait for inspectors to come clear it, but I had all my stuff with me, thank goodness.  Our CFO walked around telling people to go home, even with bowling shoes on.  A lot of them just hung around, but I went home right away.  Called a few other people and calmed down when I saw the news.  It was more traumatizing than anything.  Not much structural damage.  Funny enough, the epicentre of the quake started where my cottage is.  We have yet to go check, but I assume everything will be fine.

The 5.0 quake was felt from Detroit to Toronto and Montreal.  It was a big one for us.  No casualties, just broken windows and shaken up people!

But for the 30 seconds that the earth shook, I had the scare of my life.

NOTE: There was an NDP press conference going on at that time, which was filmed.  I thought it illustrates well the situation...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Ahhh, but not the pill you think!

I'm back on prenatal vitamins :) Those damn horse-size pink pills. Thank goodness they are easy to swallow.

Since I found out that there's a good gap between my c-section and my next pregnancy and will probably be available for VBAC (natural birth after cesarean), Daddy and I figured we could go ahead and actively try to get pregnant again! I'd really like to try and have my next baby naturally if I can, since that's the way God intended us to do it. And at least if I try and it's not working and need another cesarean section, then at least I'll have tried (again!).

Went out with my girls last night. Went to a restaurant called the Foolish Chicken (cool name, eh?!) They have a gluten free menu; one of my friend has intolerences to wheat and pretty much any food there is. Poor her, if that would happen to me, I'd be devastated, food for me is one of the best things in the world. I came back home late last night, so I'm tired this morning. Good thing we have a team building event going on this afternoon at work! We're actually going bowling. It's going to be lots of fun (many people think it's lame, I'm really excited…maybe I'm lame?)

I made a luxury purchase the other day, I'll probably get it tonight. Got it shipped home so I wouldn't have to go shopping for it. Yes, I'm lazy like that. I love the internet. So I bought a freggin' clothes steamer! I don't have time to take our clothes out of the dryer in time, so EVERYTHING is wrinkled, which is not so bad after you fold it and put it away, but I can't have my work clothes look like crap. And I have no desire time to iron all of them, so I'm taking the easy way out. Making my life simpler and more pleasant, is how I'm justifying it! I'm excited to try it out!

Baby has been a ball of hapiness lately. I'm guessing it's because he's actually healthy, and not sick! Other than his runny nose, he's in good health and spirits, which was not the case for the first 2 months of daycare. So it's a nice freggin' change! He's such a happy baby, it's unbelievable. And right now, you're probably jinxing me, thinking it won't be like that when he's 2, but pooh you, don't burst my bubble! :)

Hope you have a great day today, send me good vibes for my bowling afternoon…I'll need it, or I'll get my ass kicked!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Early night!

What a Sunday!
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!  He doesn't know it yet (and he doesn'T read my blog, so I can spill the beans), I'm getting him a new camera!  I haven't bought it yet due to lack of time, but I plan on going this week.  He's going to be thrilled!  (Gosh, just had a flash...did I tell you this already....I have short memory, maybe I already mentioned the camera...ugh.  Too bad!)

We had a lunch at my mom's today.  Baby didn't really sleep much because we took him on errands and our schedule was kinda weird.  So check it out: 6h15 PM and he's asleep!! OMG!  WOOOOOO!!!

I hope he won't wake up at like 5 tomorrow morning.  He's pretty beat, had a big weekend, we went to Quebec's equivalent to Chucky Cheese:

At first, he was kinda looking around, wandering and exploring

Watching older kids shooting balls at eachother, probably wishing he could join in

Then he started to have fun
Even with a serious face

When I strapped him in the car to go home, I think he didn't last 2 minutes before he fell asleep.  He was totally wasted, drunk on fun!! :)

Today, we caught him in the act...But it's better than the Cheetos incident!

Oh...and did I tell you we have a pirate kid?  Aaaarrrrr!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Is it possible? I have nothing to say!!

It's been a freggin busy week!  And lots went on.  It's just too much to write about tonight.  Too lazy.

It's a miracle, Baby went down at 7PM, and Daddy works till 9, so I gots myself 2 hours of ME time!  Oooo la la!  What am I gonna do?  Finish supper, leave every house chore undone, and go to bed.  How about that!

It feels like cheating on a school exam, it's bad, eh!!  Jeeeeez.  Screw it though, I'll feel bad about it another time, I'm too lazy to go all clean crazy right now.  Baby didn't even get a bath, he was fussy and tired, so I sent him straight to bed!  And I'll use the same recipe for me as well.

So what the HECK am I still doing here writing?  Oh yeah, I got Nutella toasts waiting for me.  That the last part of my supper tonight (mind you I had salad, so back off!) :)


Now that my toast are done, I'm off to shower, maybe paint my nails with the new nail color I got, and read, oh yeah baby!!  That's the life!  (Are you as pathetic as me?)

Good night peeps! xox

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lazy eye

ooooh pooh :(
Baby went to see his new doctor today.  She's super young, but she's really good.  He got 3 shots, and he was a real champ.  Cried for about 2 minutes, that's it!

His weight and height are average, head measurement is a little under average.  Which is normal, Daddy has a small head and it's genetic.

Bad news is, his left eye is a bit lazy when he looks straight ahead.  We're going to get a call from the doctor's office for an appointment at the Children's Hospital to see a pediatric ophtalmologist (try saying that 5 times!)  Both of us wear glasses, I'm scared Baby will have to wear glasses too.  I hate seeing young kids with glasses, break my heart.  Anywho, it's not the worst thing in the world, and it certainly is treatable, we'll wait and see. (Maybe you can see it in this old pic...looking back on some pics of him, I see it now, it's light and barely noticeable, but when you know, you see it)

Good news though, it's way too early to see an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) about his ear infections.  Doc says she's not worried, it happens all the time and we'll re-evaluate at the next appointment in 6 months.

I have a vision of a kid with hearing problems, glasses, braces, allergies....oh god.

Sigh.  Can't do anything about it now, and nothing's diagnosed yet, so I can sleep well tonight.

Good night, invisible friends! xox

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby's first birthday!!

Aaaaaand it was a success!  Aaaaaand I'm definitely glad it's over :)
I'm really exausted and I posted all the pics and vids on FB, so I'll post only a few here.

We had a great time, Baby got showered with gifts, wow it was awesome!  Do I need to tell you guys that kids' bdays are expensive?!  Woowee!

I'm thinking about my friend Dolly who opened her home daycare today.  She's probably sleeping by now, totally dying of exaustion I'm assuming!  I hope it went well, L., send me an email this week to tell me all about it, after you recover a bit :)

I also have to let you guys know that the cake turned out super well:

Here's a few pics of the celebration!

My half sister-to-be in the background
Reading with my brother, the godfather:

Stuffing his face with cake and thinking that it's seriously good!:

Celebrating at daycare with his friends (he looks so small!!):

What a weekend!  Now, time for bed, we got a doctor's appointment tomorrow.
Good night and godspeed, invisible friends! xo

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Big bear, the turd

Oh man, I'm a bad baker tonight.  Well, it's not me, it's the damn pan....  My bear looked like a freggin turd.  It's now 8PM and cake #2 is in the oven.  Which means I won't be going to bed real soon.  Take a while to decorate a cake, ya know!

I wanted to show you the disaster.  My poopoo cake.  If it's not obvious, the head is on the left...

I'll let you know how the other one turned out.  I hope I won't screw it up, I'm pretty tired.  Biked 35K today, I really wanna go to bed!

To be continued...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Drinking on the job

Who said moms were perfect?!

I went to eat out with a couple collegues at work today and, dammit, I had a drink.  But I thought it would come in a small wine glass, but nooooooo.  It came in a big tall glass, full of alcohol.  So I drank it.

Dang.  It's 1:15 PM and I'm still feeling it.  Do I need to tell you that this ain't good?!  haha, juat one drink aaaand I'm out.  Jeez I'm a cheap drunk.  Not that I'm drunk, just tipsy....y'a know!

So, it won't be an experience I'll do again...most likely.  Unless I'm going out with my boss and he's drinking.  Yeah, that would be ok.  :)

Have a good FRIDAY!!!


Like Tupac said, that's just the way it is.

I've been trying to make the look of my blog more interesting and more reflective of my personnal liking.  Thankfully, Blogspot has a new feature that has many templates, images, headers and pictures to choose from.  So here's how mine turned out!  I hope you like it, I sure do :)

On the bus this morning, I noticed that I was unusually happy!  Maybe because it's Friday, Baby was super good this morning and Daddy wasn't grumpy.  I even stopped to smell a tree full of white blooming flowers on my way to the bus stop.  Huh!

Big bike event tomorrow, 35K around the city!  I'll have to bring my camera and post some pics.  I'll most likely be sore on Sunday, since my body's become whimpy from the lack of exercise since I went back to work.  Damn, even my thighs are a bit sore from walking last night, jeez!  I'll need to make more efforts to stay active!  I wanna take a Zumba class (, but the classes that are given in my area don't fit my schedule.  Sheeeeesh! 

Looks like I'll be blogging from work now..Unless I become too busy...which is doubtful.  But I have faith!  Maybe our new manager will hammer me with a big workload.  At least he knows that I don't want to have nothing to do.  Man, I should just open my own bakery.  I'd be busy then! :)

Oh hey, Link...take a look at that!!  I think TD wants to move there! haha!

Take care, my invisible friends, and tell yourself change is good.  That's what I'm doing lately!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday doesn't even start

I had that song in my head, you gotta excuse my lack of continuity in this post...

So I'm at work right now, shhhh.  Figured I'd start my day with a post, make me happy and smily!  I'm surviving the week, cancelling one of my 4 appointments.  And I got Baby's birthday stuff ready for his celebration at daycare on Monday.  Got a cake pan for our own celebration on Sunday.  Decorations, check.  I don't have a gift yet, but I still have time (do I?).  I'm giving myself brownie points for being organized!  Daddy's also helping out, phew!

We've run out of antibiotic.  And we still technically have 4 days left to go!  I wonder if the pharmacy will give us more...Daddy'd taking care of it.

Oh, oh!  Interesting fact:  My vision has gotten better by one third since my pregnancy, how 'bout that!!  Apparently, it happens.  Weird, eh!  I'm getting new glasses next week and changing the lenses in my sun glasses as well.  For all the bad things a pregnancy does to a body, at least it gave me back some of my eyesight! HURRAY!!

I'm not telling you what kind of cake I'm going to be making for this weekend.  It's a surprise! :)  I'll posts pics and let you know how it went.

Crazy week is almost over.  I'll still have at least 2 appointments next week, and I'll probably be sore from our 35K bike ride thisSaturday, but at least I'll have more time to breathe!

Take care of yourselves, drink lots of water and don't eat after 7PM.  Lotsa hugs!! xox

P.S.  I saw the smokin' lady on the bus again this morning...I just had to smile...

Monday, June 7, 2010

200$ leak

Argh, more money out my pocket!  But I think it's for a good cause. 

Called the gutter people to get a quote for the leak, well, it's not really a leak, it's that when the roofing guys redid my roof last year, they didn't put what's called a Drip Edge, so now the gutter guy's gotta come clean them and Drip Edge them.  Sigh.  At least I got a super good price for the roofing, so 200$ more is still less than what others paid in my neighbourhood.  PHEW!

Got my first regular paycheck today, woooo!!  That was a nice surprise, I thought I'd have to wait another 2 weeks!    I needed it though, just got a new membership at Costco.  I fear we'll be spending a lot there!

I wish you a good night guys, I wish I could all hug you right now! Xoxox

Friday, June 4, 2010

Ear infection #4

Ahhhh, and we're back to antibiotics.  What a night last night.....I mean, who needs to sleep anyways!!

Doctor said this antibiotic was a strong one and should work.  It's real penicillin mixed with and antibiotic, so I'm crossing my fingers it will do the trick.  Poor kid.  Sometimes parents aren't too perspicacious.  What can I say, it's our first time at this!

Lots of changes at work too.  My beloved boss has announced that he will be leaving our team and leading another one.  We sat down to chat one on one, and got offered to follow him if I want.  How cool is that!  I'm happy doing the work I'm in for now..until my next mat leave.  Then I'll most likely go back to my boss in his new team.  That is still about 2 years from now, but it's nice to have a plan, no? :)

My mom is just awesome.  Baby stayed at home today since he hadn't slept almost all night, and she came to babysit him.  She even came to the clinic with me, then to the pharmacy. Bless her, I need her so!  She is just amazing and better be around for a LONG time.  No turning in early like Dad, no sir!!  

Daddy's gone to do the groceries.  Thank goodness for him.  Our fridge has echo in it.  Grand Canyon echo.  My gosh, I have wonderful people surrounding me.  I must one heck of a catch....LOL!!  

Gimme a shout out in the comments if you can, I feel like I'm writing alone.

Lonely, I'm mrs. Lonely.  I have nobodyyyyy, to call my ownnnnnn

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Holly crap.  I feel stupid.

I'm watching that show on tv right now. (mind you, it's the American version...that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)

I can't remember what a freggin prime number is.

Wait....they just asked in what year Pearl Harbour happened.  Like a 4th grader would know that?!?!  Pffft.
I hadn't even learned about fractions in grade 4!    I feel better now, the questions don't seem too fair.  No way are they for kids in grade school.

I'm an accountant, spent 18 years in school to get my accreditation and I still use my calculator.  Yep folks, call CMA Canada for complaints...

Turning in early tonight, baby's in bed with a fever, Daddy's working until 9 = ME TIME!  Going to have a nice shower, wash my hair (yes, it's quite a process, I have to plan it) and cuddle my pillow with a good book.

While I'm busy taking care of myself, please enjoy a picture of my most recent piece of cake!  :)


Is this oil spill ever going to stop?

Can you imagine if the oil reaches tourist beaches?!  I'm really concerned about all this oil going into our ocean.

Latest update June 2nd:
Update on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill - 02 June. BP today announced that it supports the U.S. government's decision to proceed with the construction of six sections of the Louisiana barrier islands proposal. The company will fund the estimated $360 million it will cost to construct the six sections.

I can't imagine something sadder that the outcome of this catastrophe.