Monday, July 5, 2010

Baby making month #1

Bah, ok so it's not as easy as the first time around!

Guys, earmuffs, this is girl talk again. 

Today I was supposed to get my period, but it's not here yet. So I tested. Negative :( I hope it's just because it was in the P.M., drank too much and diluted to HcG or it's a few days too early to know. Pooh.

Went to test at work, with the same friend, same bathroom, same lucky stall....damn.

I'll test again in 4 days if my period decides to hold off. Daddy is sad too. But, on the bright side, we get to practice again in 2 weeks! :) We'll be more careful with fertile days and whatnot.

So, little friends, we're not pregnant today.
I'll keep you posted. Lots of love!


  1. hehehe awwww... it'll happen soon! i know you guys are a baby making machine, but be patient hehe... doesnt always happen on the 1st try ;) But what do you mean you get to practice again in 2 weeks??? 2 weeks?! No time off for you!! You should be practicing on a daily basis hehe.... :P

  2. Hmmm my comment got deleted? :(

  3. Ummmmmmm a little TMI...

  4. Ummmm that's a little TMI!!

  5. I dunno Dolly, I think Anonymous is a bit sensitive and deleted it?! Anywho, yeah, we'll keep practising :)

  6. Haha I think maybe "Anonymous" secretly wants to be pregnant too...!

    ENJOY trying and sending you good luck vibes!

    ...And I just noticed that when I comment I use anonymous as well, so for the record, I didn't post the other comment ;) You can post as much info as you long as it doesn't get TOO much that I actually have a visual of you 'trying', i think that might just be a little weird! LOL

