Friday, May 28, 2010

Thus ends the first week of work

It's over! I survived! :)

It's now actually starting to feel as if I never left. I mean besides aaalllll the changes there has been in the past year, going to work feels just like before. I guess that's a good thing.

Baby had an amazing week at daycare too. Thanks to antibiotics, he's now his old self again. I'm thinking of bringing him to Cosmic Adventures tomorrow (Chucky Cheese kinda place, for my US friends).

I don't have much to write tonight, I'm really tired and I'd like to get in bed to read. Tomorrow is a big day, Daddy's working so it's just me and Baby!

I updated my blog's look a bit. And there's a new poll!! Look for it every time you come visit!

1 comment:

  1. I love your new profile picture MJ.... so nice!!! I want one like that with Mia ;)

    p.s. Way to go for making it through your 1st week at work... thats the toughest one i'd think!
