Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I did it. I'm working again!

OMG. No time to blog!!

Ok, today was my 2nd day at work. Fabulous! My first day went really well, Daddy gave me a ride to work (I usually take the bus). It was a day of setting my office up, passwords and stuff. I have a different office than when I left, so I had to get everything back to how I want it. And Office furniture, of course! I thought my day would feel super lonely and depressing, but, surprise surprise, it was not! It was a great day, setting my second home up, catching up with coworkers. I was happy to be there and the day actually flew by!

Second day, I needed coffee. Oh lord, how do people work, do house chores and have kids at the same time? Heck if I know! But I'll try to find a way to get my schnit together! Went out to lunch with my new team, which is (I'll be damned!) better than the one I had last year :) Minus Val, I miss Val. Thank goodness she works across the floor and I can walk to her office! My new team is great, laid back, smart and efficient. Stress at work will be mostly absent, we'll do great all 5 of us.

Our work tools and documents have been updated and made better. Our way to work will be way more efficient, less wasted time, more productive! I'm eager to get my hands in it! All my accesses to our software were cancelled, so it'll take a week, maybe 2 to get them all back.

I realized I missed adults :) At work, I'm not a mommy, I'm a woman, a collegue, a friend. So nice!! I didn't know I missed it until yesterday. This afternoon, the main water pipe to the building broke, so they kicked us out until it's fixed, so maybe a day or two! Isn't that a hoot!

Geez, I've been writing too long, gotta get cracking on dinner! Dolly, I hope you get my email replies, it seems like I always get new emails from you, not replies. I hope you don't think I'm not thinking about you, I am! And I have to come see your new daycare!! I'm excited to know how you're organized!

If I don't update my blog enough, yell at me: (thanks to Dolly for reminding me!)


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to hear your 1st week back at work is going well... cuz it aint easy! What a relief that must be for you. I hope the water problem is a VERY serious one that wont get fixed until Monday so you (and Fred) get the rest of the week offffff hehehe.. how cool would that be!

    p.s. Wanna know how clueless I am at times?? It didn't hit me until 2 minutes later that when you said Dolly, you were referring to me... aaaaahhh pas fort Layal, pas fort!!
