Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

My first one :)

It's amazing to have a day to get gifts like that, I didn't expect any!  To me, it still feels like mother's day is for my mom, not me.  But even my twin brother had a surprise gift for me!

It was a great weekend.  Still hardcore sick with the flu, but on the way to recovery.  My voice has broken, I sound like a smoking trucker... :S  I guess it's kinda sexy? lol...NOT!

I had big plans for my remaining 2 weeks of mat leave, but I think my plans now will be to recover and rest, because after I return to work, time off will be sparse.  And relaxation will not be part of my vocabulary anymore.  Sniff..

Medical appointment with Baby tomorrow, dinner with mom Tuesday, chiro wednesday.  In between?  Sleep.

I love daycare. (Oh, they looooooved the flowers I had sent them for Mother's Day, it was a hit!)

*How is it that I always plan to just write a few lines because I'm tired and wanna get to bed, and I end up writing a lot...*

And now I'm hungry....argh!  But I'm more tired than hungry, so my bed is winning tonight.
Nighty night, invisible friends!