Sunday, May 16, 2010

9 days


Daddy's in a bad mood because the Habs are loosing 4-0 in the 2nd period of game 1 against Philly. My brother's like that too. Funny, I don't get all moody when people get booted off SYTYCD...

Anywho, what a day! It was a sunny summer-like day, just beautiful. I slept in (used some mommy points) till 8, went to breakfast with my aunts and grampa. Then spent the afternoon biking with Daddy and Baby. A stupid jerk driver almost hit Daddy at a stop while he was crossing on his bike with the baby trailer. Jerk yelled at Daddy and I was surprised Daddy kept his cool. We saw the car again 5 minutes later in the marina parking lot and he yelled at us again. I lost MY cool, yelled at him and flipped him the bird. Then I said a lot of unholy words under my breath. Sucks that lots of people were watching. I had to ask Daddy to stop on the side of the street to catch my breath, I was shaking, frustrated and crying. Daddy encouraged me and supported me, and we continued our ride. PHEW, what an experience!

Then after dinner, on our way driving to the grocery store, a car accident happened, with the car right in front of us. The car had a big dent on the side, the young girls pretty shaken up. The van that missed their stop and rammed them had lost the entire bumper and was leaking fluid on the pavement. I was driving and got out of the car to offer my cell phone, but the neighbours had already called the police. It wasn't a big accident, it was a residential neighbourhood, but the passengers were visibly upset. Seb was more shaken than me, thinking it could have been us! I guess I had used all my adrenaline earlier with the jerk driver.

I'd say it was an eventful day. I'm really grateful that we were spared in the car accident. Even if no one was hurt and it wasn't that serious, I'm glad it wasn't us 3 in that car. I've definitely have some road angels.

It's late now, and Daddy and I are cooking some baby food and it smells yummy. We have 4 recipes to make, 2 tonight and 2 tomorrow. We'll be good for a while after that. I find it hard to just make a meal on the spot for a baby, given that he can't have food that's too solid. Now, we're more organized. YES!!

I hope you have road angels too and that you cherish your time with your loved ones. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye. Thanks Dad for watching over us. I miss you everyday. xox

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwww!!!!!!! You're right MJ, unfortunately accidents can happen in the blink of an eye :(

    I'm so glad you and your family are all doing good :)

