Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh, how I'm sore!

Oh my, what a weekend!

Biking 120 KM, which was a bit more than assumed, was quite a challenge! My leg muscles are still a bit stiff. I have to say we stretched like we've never stretched in our lives, for a whole 48 hours! My friend K and I had a lot of fun on our bike trip. She almost killed a chipmunk twice with her bike, almost ran over a garden snake too. I guess animals just liked to go right in front of her bike at the wrong time!

I almost fell off my bike twice going into thick sand. Not easy to stear a bike with 25 pounds of baggage on it! We sang, complained, and discussed boys over the ride. It was a fun time. Our bodies were pushed to the limit (especially me, the oldest, not-in-shape-mom), she was great with hills going up, I was better at flat road endurance. We made sure to eat our Maxim energy bars and drink our Gu drinks so they'd keep us going.

The B&B was amazing, it was a dreamy place, full of gardens, birds and zen feelings. We got some rain on the way back, but it was light and intermittent, so it didn't bother us too much. Apparently, Daddy was quite worried because it was very stormy, yucky weather at home. He even txted me to tell me to stop at another B&B for the night if the storm hit us, he would let my boss know. What a sweetheart, eh?

Anyways, the experience was a lot of fun, hard, but a great accomplishment for me! Daddy and I are planning to go back, same B&B, different bike route. And probably less milleage!

So, today is Hollywood day!! I brought my camera at work and plan to go spy on the film set. I don't expect to even be able to get close. I walked by yesterday and there's nothing to see. They seemed to be working in an alley, between 2 buildings, so I doubt we'll be able to see anything. Anyways, I'll try and get pics of whatever interesting thing I can for you guys!

I'll also post pics from the bike weekend. My bagagge isn't even emptied yet, I have lots of laundry to do!


  1. wow. wait to go MJ! What an accomplishment, I'm proud of you and glad you had a great time! We ran into your hubby's parents at loblaws today! Take some nice hot baths and relax those muscles :)

    - M

  2. Amen to that Sista! Hehe I agree with M's advice ... and I'm VERY proud of you too MJ, well done!! :)
