Thursday, March 11, 2010

I just love Oprah

While on a trip to Walmart this week, I picked up the "O" magazine of this month.  It's all about spring cleaning.

That made me think.

I need spring cleaning too.  Not just my house.  My life.  Get rid of vaccuum friends (the ones that suck all the energy our of you), old emotions about people that used to be in my life, things that hurt me in the past, things that stress me for the future.  It's not healthy.  When the Dalaï Lama said that the purpose of our lives is to be happy, he meant that we're the only ones who have the power to acheive that.

So, no one else will make the hurt go away, no one else will make the stress go away, no one else will do it for me.  One of my favorite saying is simply: Let it go.

I will let go of the things I wish I would have done differently.  I will let go of the things I would have said differently.  Maybe that will help me move on and live my life, right now.  Not back when.

Of course, my windows will need a good washing too.

The way to achieve happiness is through helping others, so people....come over with some eco-friendly glass cleaner and a roll of recycled paper towels!

I'll get the beer :)
Good night, invisible friends xox


  1. Continu Marie, j'adore te lire :) Tu m'inspire et tu m'impressionnes Luv u oxox

  2. I like that! Its spring cleaning time, inside & out :)
