Thursday, March 11, 2010


How about that!!  4 loyal friends think I'm interesting :)  I have to specify something, since 2 of you do not live in Canada.  When I say I live close to Ottawa, it's just across the river from the national capital.  I see the Parliament from the bank near my house.

So, a big hello to Karin (who's from Pensylvania I think), Val my coworker friend who's just too funny (say hi to your dad for me!), Chris my very loyal Farmville buddy who likes flowers a lot (he's from NC, not sure which State that is).  I'm so glad you guys are reading!  And then there's DJ Boner, I have no idea who that is!  But, hey dude!

The boyfriend's not in a good mood this morning.  Maybe he just needs his tea.  He'll come around, or I'll just ask his to go bike for a while.  That makes him the happiest.

So I thought about how to structure this blog and here's my solution.  I have none.  I'll just go along as the days pass by.  Last thing I want is to make this thing complicated.

Eh, just thought that we change the time this weekend.  Spring forward.   Every year, I rely on other people to remind's that kind of thing that my brain can never absorb.  That, and birthdates.  And chiropractor appointments, taking in Christmas lights, clothes in the dryer and grocery items that escaped the list.  But, strangely, I never forget to harvest my crop in Farmville, or charge my Kindle when the battery is dead...strange how the brain works...

I'll try to do one good deed today.  And maybe take a nap.  How sweet is maternity leave when daycare has started.

Have a good day, invisible friends!