Wednesday, March 10, 2010

And we're off...

So, this is 2010, and I decided that I should start putting my own thoughts to a up-to-date way. For those of you who don't know who the heck I am, here's a few interesting things that make me, well, me:

My name is MJ, I'm french, and I have mommy duties.

Ok, so that doesn't say much.

I'm from the Outaouais region, which is just beside Ottawa. I'm (obviously) bilingual and I chose to blog in english, because most of you are. And because it's easier and takes less time to write my thoughts in English. I live with my fiancé and we have a 9 month old son together. Blah, blah don't really need to know ALL of it.

So, why blog...good question. I guess I decided that talking to myself is kind of passé. haha! Life is interesting, and it's like getting my own reality tv/internet thing. Maybe I won't get a single reader...haha, that would just totally beat the purpose. Other than relieve my brain of thoughts and keep my sanity on a socially acceptable level :)

So many things on my mind. And I'm so tired I wouldn't even know where to start. I'll make up my mind tomorrow. Ah, procrastination is a sweet sweet thing. At least for tonight.

Now, time to educate myself on how this website is functionning. I was late to get a FB page, I don't use Twitter and heck if I know what myspace is (I'm guessing like FB?!), but dammit, I'm blogging!

Good night, invisible friends.

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