Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday on vacation!

YES!  I'm on vacation!
Well, it's kind of a flashback of maternity leave...I have Baby with me because daycare is closed this week.  But I'm not complaining much, it's nice to be able to stay in pyjamas and hang out with a 14 month old....


He's now dancing to the demo song of Daddy's keyboard.  We've decided he's going to teach himself how to play.  haha.  No!  but he seems to like hitting the keys and making some music with the different notes.  I'm all against toys that make noise, but music is significantly good for the brain, the soul and everything else in life.  So we encourage it.  Even if it makes us cringe sometimes :)

Now, he's off to nap for a couple hours (if I'm lucky) and I get to make a peach dessert for dinner tonight.  Huh, I sound like a housewife!  yeeeesh!

OK, gotta go get busy!  Have a good week, little friends!

P.S.  Watched 2 old romantic movies this weekend and loved them!  Forever young, with Mel Gibson when he was HOT, and Somersby, with Richard Gere and Jodie Foster.  Now the funny thing about that movie is that both main actors are gay.  Well, R.G. maybe just been suspected, but still.  Funny when both of them do not want to be kissing eachother for very good reasons!


  1. gotta love those vacation days!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want one too... :)

    so are you taking the week off since daycare is closed?

  2. yep, this week is my summer vacation. Nice eh :P Ah, pooh. But we're planing a trip this fall, so it's just a rain check for real time off!!
