Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NO AC!!!

The central AC's working (that's the frustrating part), but the heating hunk of metal downstairs ain't pushing air in the vents!!  That old hag has been giving me that problem for over 2 years now.  About 2 or 3 times a year, I have to call for repair.  Thank goodness that it's covered in the lease contract!

I called the company that owns the furnace and water heater for a repair dude to come by today, aaaaaand of course there's a waiting list.  Of course, it's 40 degrees outside.  Of course.  Aaaaaand of course, it'll take 48 hours to get a call to even GET an appointment!  Of course!!!

So this morning, in 2 hours precisely, I'm going to call that same company's sales department, and I'm going to ask for them to come install a new furnace.  For her sake, she's almost 20 years old.  And she's been sick on and off for a few years, so I'm sending her to metal heaven.  Enough already, I need a new model, an young stud that's more energy efficient too.

It was 81 degrees when we went to bed last night.  Thank Goodness for ceiling fans and standing fans.  I can live being sweaty and hot, it's more for Baby well being that I'm annoyed.  I'm glad they have AC at daycare and I hope it won't take too long to get a repairman here!

It's always when you need things the most that they are broken/unavailable/missing.
It's your fault, Murphy, and your stupid law!!!

Breathe.  Ok, I gotta get dressed (lightly, freg it'll be 41 today) and get my ass to my cold office.  *bliiiiiss*.

Have a good cool day, my friends!! xox

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Bluuuuues

Phew, ok vacations are done, now I can go back to blogging!

It wasn't very relaxing running after a toddler for a week, but we had lots of fun, quality time together. Now I need real time off!

Morning didn't start off too good, my mood was not a happy camper this morning. It's now almost 3 in the PM and I feel much better.

I'm eager to go get Baby at daycare today, see how it went after 3 weeks away! He has grown, that I know…he's almost as tall as a 2 year old! Daddy's not a tall man, I secretly hope he can beat him..

I suddenly realized this weekend that we'll need to move sooner than I thought. To determine which school Baby will go to (I know that's in like 4 years, but still, we had planned a few more than that at our little townhouse), they check the addresses. So we'll need to get ourselves a real family house soon! I don't want my kids to change school if they don't have to, so we'll have to look into that. So right now, we're trying to slwoly upgrade our house so it's all pretty and nice to sell! We went to Rona yesterday and got some new cupboard handles, so I gotta go grad some metal washers to fit them in. They're a little too loose.

Got a big client meeting tomorrow, my first in my new responsibilities. With managers. I'm a little nervous! I'm glad they're all women though, and I already met them once, so I shouldn't be. It'll be fun though, me the little mermaid, having older women as clients! Mouahahahah!! They are so much fun too!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Last day of my week off

Sad, but not that much! :)  Starting new responsibilities at work on Monday and I'm kind of excited.  I'm a geek.

Week was a bit rough, with a toddler walking everywhere he possibly can.  But we had lots of fun.  Baby started saying new words like "fleur", "banane", "glace" (as in ice cream cone in proper french), "gougour" (yogourt, which he is oh so excited about at every meal!).

Tonight is very exciting for me, I'm going to get my hair done, heeeelllll yes!  That's always a treat for me.  I'm also thinking about a pedicure to finish off summer in a good way, but I might wait for my mom's October wedding to do it.

We got a Cars sofa/sleeping bag for Baby and the cat has now adopted it.  Damit.  Black cat hair everywhere.  Than goodness for sticky Rollers!

Planning a Walmart trip this afternoon to stock up on baby stuff and cake equipment.  Making a pink giraffe cake for a friend's daughter in September.  It's gonna be so pwetty!! :)

That being said, as I'm not super interesting today, I'll leave you on this note: I'm craving chocolate.

Huh! of the Day
I never knew these two were mother/daughter!

(For you youngsters, Judy Garland was Dorothy in the original Wizard of Oz and singer of the song Over the Rainbow, and Liza Minelli is an American actress and singer)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Surprise at Timmy's!

An ordinary day.


Drive through at Tim Horton's just down the block.  I order a medium Iced cap and they give me a large!  Wooooo!  That totally made my day :)  (Unless I'm totally clueless and medium is pretty damn big!)

In other news this week, my peach dessert, which turned out to be a peach cobbler, was not that great!  Other guests seemed to like it (or were being polite, but my mom would tell me the truth....right?), but I thought cobbler is WAY better with apples.  I just discovered something about myself...I don't like cooked peaches.  Huh, who knew!

But peaches are so damn good!  Ontario ones are at the peak and I'm devouring them like there's no tomorrow!  It's a shame we live in a country where fresh fruits and veggies aren't local all year long.  That is very sad to me.  I hate being able to get fresh, juicy, just right fruits and veggies only a few weeks a year.  Peaches and corn will soon be over.  And apples and squash will take over in september.  THEN I'll make good cobbler, sheesh!!

Demain, lunch at St-Hubert with a friend.   Jeudi, Cosmic Adventures.  Friday, well, maybe kiddie pool, we'll see.  Hey Dolly, maybe we can join you for your daily walk or something!  Let me know!

Peace out to Chris, who I haven't talked to in a while.  I took a break from FV.  And it feels good not to have to go on it twice a day, I started to feel like an obligation, yuk :P  Send me a msg when you can, I'd like to know how G Lake life is going!!

P.S.  Yes, I'm reading Eminem's biography and it's damn good!  I think I'm starting to like biographies a lot.  Anywho, I'm gonna go get myself a copy of his latest CD as soon as I can.  Peace, Marshall!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday on vacation!

YES!  I'm on vacation!
Well, it's kind of a flashback of maternity leave...I have Baby with me because daycare is closed this week.  But I'm not complaining much, it's nice to be able to stay in pyjamas and hang out with a 14 month old....


He's now dancing to the demo song of Daddy's keyboard.  We've decided he's going to teach himself how to play.  haha.  No!  but he seems to like hitting the keys and making some music with the different notes.  I'm all against toys that make noise, but music is significantly good for the brain, the soul and everything else in life.  So we encourage it.  Even if it makes us cringe sometimes :)

Now, he's off to nap for a couple hours (if I'm lucky) and I get to make a peach dessert for dinner tonight.  Huh, I sound like a housewife!  yeeeesh!

OK, gotta go get busy!  Have a good week, little friends!

P.S.  Watched 2 old romantic movies this weekend and loved them!  Forever young, with Mel Gibson when he was HOT, and Somersby, with Richard Gere and Jodie Foster.  Now the funny thing about that movie is that both main actors are gay.  Well, R.G. maybe just been suspected, but still.  Funny when both of them do not want to be kissing eachother for very good reasons!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

As promised, bike trip pics!

Has the dust settled yet?  Moving on!

Here are pics from my 120K bike trip with my friend K.  We had lots of fun, stretched like there was no tomorrow and ate like queens!  well ok, maybe princesses, but ya know, it was perty good :)

Just before the official departure

The mean machine!

The arrival at the B&B, finally!!

And finally, the last pic, the finish line back to the car!  PHEW!

Next trip, 2011!  Well, unless there's a bébé on the way! :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Garrett, you must be a great actor!

Hey all you readers!  Holly crap, I didn't know I could stir all those opinions!

Right on, people!

So unfortunately, I won't be seeing anymore filming because they will be shooting indoors, and at night.  And I mean from 7PM to 7AM, so yesterday was my only lucky day!  Booo!

It was super great to see how filming is made, and I even found out that one of the "unknowns" in my pics is the director!  I think someone in a comment said he was talking to Garrett in the van, which would be right.  Anywho, now I feel more privileged to have seen the director, yeehaw!  If only I knew who the hatman who gave orders is!

To answer to the little ladies who are fans of Garrett, I guess I'll have to correct myself.  If y'all thought he was in character while he was looking like a dude with too much confidence and spitting, well, fiiiiiiine.  I haven't read the book, so I don't know who his character is.  Might as well have been "practising".  I actually hadn't thought of that, but whatever.  I didn't expect anyone to wave or acknowledge the crowd, duh, they were working and might I say that if crowds gathered to try and get a piece of me while I worked I would be such a snob!  You might wanna read a bit more of my blog to get to know me and figure out I'm not a 15 year old looking for a celebrity date.  I can still dream about marrying Mark Wahlberg though, right?

So whoever is criticizing my opinions or point of vue, move on.  You won't get much out of my writting!  Although I enjoy reading your reactions.  Especially from people all over the world, that's awesome!!

Leave a comment!  I love reading you, even if you make me frown for a minute :P
Thanks for the support Dolly, way to go!!!!

And just for the record, Garrett, I still love you! xox

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Movie set, day 1

I spied during work hours on one of the sets, we didn't see much, but it was still interesting:

Old restaurant turned into a coffee shop

This is the set, it was on the other side of the street.  Sucks that the black veil is there, pooh!
Some extras, after filming on the set

So I'm a real fan because I stayed after work to watch the filming on the second set.  It was a great experience!  The guy standing beside me got picked up as an extra!  Damn, I wish I were a man that minute!  Lemme tell you, I dunno why the actors get paid the big bucks, it's the CREW that does all the hard work.  It's so organized, everybody knows what to do, it's quick and efficient.  We were told to move a bit farther, super politely.  A guy even came to see if we had questions!

So the good news is, I got to see and shoot some pics of Garrett Hedlund, woooooo!  HOTTIE!  but such an ass, really.  He waited in the van, hiding, till his scene was shooting.  And he really looked like he had the hugest ego, he was carrying himself way too confidently and spitting on the ground.  No class!  And he's NOT an A list actor...I can only imagine how full of themselves most are...

Anyways, here are some pics of the exciting parts.  I'm so glad Daddy took care of Baby while I hung out with the Hollywood people.  It was quite a treat!  

Here's the director prepping to shoot. 
Some extras being coached.


Oh, how I'm sore!

Oh my, what a weekend!

Biking 120 KM, which was a bit more than assumed, was quite a challenge! My leg muscles are still a bit stiff. I have to say we stretched like we've never stretched in our lives, for a whole 48 hours! My friend K and I had a lot of fun on our bike trip. She almost killed a chipmunk twice with her bike, almost ran over a garden snake too. I guess animals just liked to go right in front of her bike at the wrong time!

I almost fell off my bike twice going into thick sand. Not easy to stear a bike with 25 pounds of baggage on it! We sang, complained, and discussed boys over the ride. It was a fun time. Our bodies were pushed to the limit (especially me, the oldest, not-in-shape-mom), she was great with hills going up, I was better at flat road endurance. We made sure to eat our Maxim energy bars and drink our Gu drinks so they'd keep us going.

The B&B was amazing, it was a dreamy place, full of gardens, birds and zen feelings. We got some rain on the way back, but it was light and intermittent, so it didn't bother us too much. Apparently, Daddy was quite worried because it was very stormy, yucky weather at home. He even txted me to tell me to stop at another B&B for the night if the storm hit us, he would let my boss know. What a sweetheart, eh?

Anyways, the experience was a lot of fun, hard, but a great accomplishment for me! Daddy and I are planning to go back, same B&B, different bike route. And probably less milleage!

So, today is Hollywood day!! I brought my camera at work and plan to go spy on the film set. I don't expect to even be able to get close. I walked by yesterday and there's nothing to see. They seemed to be working in an alley, between 2 buildings, so I doubt we'll be able to see anything. Anyways, I'll try and get pics of whatever interesting thing I can for you guys!

I'll also post pics from the bike weekend. My bagagge isn't even emptied yet, I have lots of laundry to do!

Friday, August 13, 2010

KStew, Viggo and KDunst in town next week!

Holly shit!!!

Hollywood's coming to town! We just got an email at work saying that streets around the office will be closed next Tuesday for filming. It's right out my window! And even closer to Daddy's bike shop! OMG!! KStew was fimling in Montreal yesterday and RPattz was seen on the set, so holly mofo, he might be here in 4 days!!!!!

Also featuring in the cast, Kristen Dunst and Viggo Mortensen. Let's not forget the hotdamn Garrett Hedlund!  Oh man, I'll so try and sneak in to spy! I'm sure there'll be police everwhere, but man, it's so cool! They're filming a movie called On the Road. I really wonder what the heck they'll be filming here, nothing special to see around here..

I'll try and do my best to report back next week on the situation. I hope I'll get to see a little something!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday at the office

Ahh, finally got my man back!

Daddy was gone for 3 days at a bike show in Wisconsin. Not that I missed him thaaaat much, but man, it was nice to be by myself for a few days! No arguing, no negociating, no pleasing someone other than me. A totally selfish 3 days, I LOVED it!! Need. To. Do it. More. Often!

He had a good time over there, got a lot of waiting time at airports though. And ate bad pizza at the Chicago airport. He was sick this morning. Tums did the trick. He probably missed Baby more than good ol' me, but that's fine. I'm glad he went, it was one of the only times this summer he got a break from home.  What a dedicated man!  (Maybe I should send him away more..!!)

New strategy: spend more time apart, with other people, so we can miss eachother more. Yes. That would be good.

Starting my new strategy this weekend, on a bike trip with a friend of mine. I'm super excited to go. 114K in 2 days. Woop!

I'm bored at work. I'm going to be replacing a collegue of mine, he's leaving for a new position in a few weeks, so I'm kind of in-between projects. I'm not getting new ones since I'll be doing other chores, and I'm still not doing them just yet, so it's kinda boring. I'll be busier then, so I'm just going to enjoy this free time for now. I'm not even changing offices, just new workload. And I'm happy about that! My current supoervisor is a loner, he doesn't give me work, barely even talks to me. So the change is mighty welcomed!

Have a happy Thursday, invisible friends!

P.S. Why do I decide to wear a headband on a day I wake up with a headache? :S

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mango lime smoothie

Ah, friends!  It's summer and time to celebrate fruits!
Here's a favourite recipe of mine, you can use mangoes, or peaches, as they are in season!

2 mangoes or 3 peaches
1 cup of plain yogurt
1 cup of milk
3/4 of granulated sugar
juice from 1 lime




100th post!

Yay!  Let's party, this is my 100th post!  Way to go, me :)

ok, moving on...

Celebrity twins

Ok, I always thought that Amy Adams and Isla Fisher were the same person!   Woah!

Here are a few more look alikes I think are mind blowing:

One other thing...who the heck is Snooki?

Saturday, August 7, 2010


OK, I just got a slap in the face.

Baby and I get down in the family room after our nap and tv's on.  It's a documentary.  About children who have rare diseases and neurological disorders.  I couldn't help the tears coming down.

I love my son.  And we're the luckiest parents in the world.

Who cares if I'm not pregnant this month...

Baby making month #2

I unexpectedly got my period this morning.  I'm sad.

  1. we worked SO hard at getting pregnant at the right time this month and God knows that's not the most fun thing in the world
  2. I wasn't supposed to get my period for 4 more days.  Which means I'm possibly irregular. Which means it'll make it that much harder to get pregnant.
Maybe I'm over reacting.  Maybe I'm just really sad.
Let me wallow in pity for a few days until I slap myself up and get back to reality.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Note to self

Have extra diaper in handbag.  Kids DO poop at the worse times.

Thanks Dolly!

The results are in!

And it's good news!  Mommy can breathe the heck out.
Oh, and a stinky story too.

So I go pick Baby up at daycare and distracted Daddy hadn't told them I was coming early for an appt.  He just fell asleep when I picked him up, so they grab him and hand him to me.  En route to the appt, an awful poop smell comes to my nose.  Sure enough, when I get to the clinic, I go in the bathroom with him and there one of the biggest, smelliest poop he's ever done.  Full of pee too.  And believe it or not, I had NO diapers!! I hadn't planned on bringing his bag since I was coming from work and planned only an hour or two with him.

So brave mommy used a gazillion kleenex and paper towels to get the biggest mess out, folded some clean tissues inside his diaper and put it back on.  I felt like the worst mom in the world!!!

So back to the results.

The doc was super nice, about 10 feet 7 (!) and pretty young.  But very good. (looking...too)

Turns out Baby has pseudo-strabism:
Esotropia is the name for eyes that turn inward. In pseudoesotropia, the eyes appear to be crossed but are actually straight. This common condition in infants and young children is generally due to the infant's facial structures. The wide bridge of the nose and small folds of eyelid skin on the nasal side of the eye contribute to this appearance by covering the "white" of the eye. This especially becomes apparent when the infant looks to the right or the left. As the infant's facial structures mature, this appearance of crossing will improve and often disappear.

So HURRAY for a healthy baby!  Maybe he'll stil wear glasses, but at least he won't be cross-eyed and made fun of at school.  I'll still enroll him in Karate, don't worry :)

Makes my DAY!!

Appointment day

Warning: emotionnal day.  PMS?  Maybe.

Baby has an appointment with a pediatric ophtalmologist (try saying it only once when you're drunk).  at his one year appointment with his doctor, she told us that his left eye was a bit lazy/misaligned.  Thankfully, it's not enough of a serious case to go to the Children's Hospital, but we still have to consult a specialist in a clinic.  I'm scared.  Of course, there's worse things in life.  But I'm scared that it'll have long term consequences. 

Maybe because it's not a good day for me, maybe I'm being oversensitive.  Daddy and I wear glasses, so it's a bit of a given that our kids will too.  And it's apparently pretty common.  I guess I'm just being a worried mom...

I'm leaving in a couple hours.  I'll let you know how it went!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Freaky stuff!!

My brother and his fiancée went to the cottage last weekend.  Apparently, they weren't alone....

This is my sister-in-law.  She took a pic of herself beside the campfire.  It's hard to believe a random reflection of the lens being that clear and shaped like a woman's face.  Weird thing is, that lady, she looks a bit like my mom.  So I would say she may be a great grandmother?  Who knows.  But one thing's for sure.  This is not a trick.  And it's not camera malfunction either.  It's someone!  And I think it's awesome to get a visit like that!

Buffalo, Nordic baths and mini putt!

So our fabulous weekend is over :(

What a great time we had. Alone, away, with good food and a comfortable room.

Time we spent at the inn went quite fast. It's a really gorgeous region, with lots of farms, green pastures and…lamas..? Yep!

It was a cozy place, not quite up to date in the décor department, but still very nice. In our suite awaited a bottle of darn good mousseux and a box of chocolates. We even spent some time in the nordic baths. Sigh… The only annoying thing was that we kept running out of hot water. Not pleasant when you need to fill a HUGE therapeutic bath. But still, the staff was really accomodating when we called to report it. Food was very good, I had buffalo for dinner and Daddy had salmon. Breakfast was très bon as well.

Saturday, Daddy turned 30! I told him that is was his day, and he could do whatever he wanted, no budget limits! I suggested a few activities we could do, but he wanted to take it easy, so we went to play a round of mini golf at a new place, which was so much fun!! Then we went for lunch, which was really yummy, and headed to the IMAX theater. We ended our day at my mom's to get Baby and stayed for dinner. Home made Surf and Turf…good Lord, that was our best meal of the weekend!!

It was great to get away for a day, just me and him. We still missed Baby, but honestly felt like we weren't parents for a whole 24 hours. Need. To. Do. It. Again!

Yesterday we spent an hour in a park, running with Baby. We totally exausted him, haha!! He was all over the place, trying to run, falling over every few fifty feet. Then we had our new used dishwasher installed by my soon-to-be father-in-law. I'm SO happy!! They gave us theirs, which is less than 4 years old. It's fantastic, we saved about 500$! Next on the list? Central vac!

Gotta go for now. Got lots and lots of steaming to do tonight, or I won't be able to wear anything tomorrow!