Went to fetch Baby at daycare today. He was going for 3 hours this week, to get used to the place. Daycare lady told me it takes a few weeks for them to get accustom to the environment, the other kids, the food, etc.
Well well, not my Jacob! When we got there, he was sitting with an older girl playing with the same toy! All the other kids (babies and toddlers) were in the other room. No, Jacob likes to be alone with girls...!
I was told that he could start going full time as of tomorrow because he's a really good baby....
Hear that 2 other daycares I went to that told me my baby was a bad one...hear that!!! Et vlan dans les dents!
In other news: My boss is going to Cuba, I'm so jealous. My good friend is an aunt for the second time, a boy. I'm now preparing leek and potato soup, and stew in my crock pot. Aaaand that's about it. Oh yeah, and Daddy and I are thinking about getting a joint account...damn it's complicated to have our money separately :)
And a special shout out to two of my friends who have made my day this week. Mel P., the girl with the smile, the charisma and the camera. I wish we'd see you more often. Don't forget to come ring our bell soon, or we'll have to start stalking your house. And my good friend Chris L., also known as Link, who's a great guy from North Carolina, has his morning coffee in the best place on Earth and is the best FarmVille neighbour a girl could have. Looking forward to completing jobs with ya Chris! And not to say you're old or anything, but my dad was born the same year as you....lol!! Love ya!
For soup tasting, tickets will be on sale tomorrow...if there's any left!

Good eeeeeeevening, as Poirot would say....(Poirot...leek soup...oh, the possibilities...)
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