Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm still alive!

And kicking.  Well, maybe just alive.
I can't believe I haven't posted in almost a week.

But I'm too tired tonight to write.  So I'll just say this:   Taxes, check.  2 baby shower cakes, check.  Sick baby doing better, check.  Seeing my friends, pending.  Sleeping, pending.

I'm glad the Habs won the first round.  Proves that they are a great team.  Now they'll loose to the Pens in 5 games.  20$ says so. :)

What am I still doing!

Bonne nuit! xox

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tax crunch

Big week ahead!  Gotta finish some tax reports.  Sigh...

So the weather is so weird!  Today, it was 30 degrees Celsius in the sun, so basically a typical summer day.  Tomorrow: 2 degrees with snow!

Goodness, Mother Nature is having a fit!

Found out something about myself this morning.  I found out I'm crabby if I'm not putting myself first.  I mean, not in a selfish way....But if I put everything and everyone on my list ahead of some "stay sane time", my mood is just awful.  So, I'm gonna take some time to get dressed and brush my teeth before getting to get daycare ready in the morning.  Daddy does it, why not me too?  Maybe that's why I'm frustrated...he's taking his time to take care of him.  Maybe I should learn from him on this...

Daddy's happy right now, the Montreal Canadiens are playing their (maybe) last game in the playoffs tonight, and they're winning 2-0 in the second period.  I say they loose and start golf season...

Good night, invisible friends!  God bless xox

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fun Facts for animal lovers

I thought this would be enlightening...

  • The accent of a cow’s mooing depends on the region it belongs to. 
  • On an average a hen lays 19 dozen eggs in a year. 
  • While the male lion rests in its den, it is the females that have go out and get the food. 
  • The bats do not need any boards, for its always the left turn for them when exiting a cave.
  • Sharks are the only known species to never suffer from cancer.
  • An elephant can smell water from a distance of three miles. 
  • Make a cow listen to music and there will be more milk in the bucket!
  • A snail can sleep for three years.
  • The ant, when intoxicated, will always fall over to its right side.
  • Eagles mate while airborne.
  • The average person eats eight spiders in their sleep in their whole entire lifetime!
  • The blue whale has a heart the size of a small car and its blood vessal is so broad, that a person could swim through it.
  • Scorpions can be killed by pouring vinegar over them.
  • There are as many chickens on this planet as humans.
  • In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
  • A group of crows is called a murder.
  • 99% of all animal species that ever lived on Earth are now extinct.

It happened again

I think my last post about this was about a month ago.

Today I finished a big ass pickle jar, AND a moisturizer lotion bottle.  How often does that happen!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

I swear they exist!

Wonder where that sock went?  You know that necklace you took off and put down somewhere?
Remember those mittens you wore everyday, but now you can't because you only have one?

They exist, people.  Little thief trolls.

They have a secret stash in your house, with all the things that are missing.  They live in groups and survive by stealing items of yours at least once a month.  At times, when they are bored, they will leave a lost item for you to find, just to see your reaction.  They travel alongside walls, like secret agents.  They can probably beam themselves around your house too.

If you ever catch one, please send it to me, we have a whole heard living here.  They would fit right in.

Here's what it might look like.  Notice the innocent look, hanging around on your sofa while you are out.

Watch out for them, they are probably eyeing your favorite earing....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lonely, I'm Mrs. Lonely

So Daddy is leaving me......for the couch.

He bought the new MLB 2010 PS3 game.  I'm officially widowed for a few days.  Until the excitement dies away, I guess.

Thank goodness he's wonderful in every other way!!  Here's proof.

The men in the house do all the work.  I'm just there to provide some TLC :) (...that's actually a good plan.........hhhmmmmm)

So, since I'm single for a bit, whaddya wanna do?  :) Shoe shopping!
Gooooood night, invisible friends :) xox

Monday, April 19, 2010

Make it work

As Oprah once said: " I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."

Live your life as best you can, make it work.  It's up to you, not what happens to or around you.  YOU make your life.  YOU decide.

Love as much as possible.  But don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff.

Live NOW.  There's nothing like the present, it's the only place to live.  Make plans, fulfill them, tell people you love them.  There's no better time than now.

But never forget you are here to live for YOU, so put yourself first.  You are in charge of your own happiness, no one else will be, do, think, love for you.  You are the master of your own existence.  This incarnation is meant for you to beat the last one.  Be better.  Make it worth it, make yourself be proud of you.  Take charge.  Free yourself of negativity, there's no purpose to dragging it along with you.  See the light.

Evolve.  Higher.  That's why we're here.

Love, MJ

Saturday, April 17, 2010


This all happened in 4 months

Haïti230,000 people died, 300,000 injured and 1,000,000 made homeless.  Magnitude: 7.0, 52 aftershocks of 4.5 or greater

Chile - 486 people died.  Magnitude: 8.8, lasting 90 seconds

China - 1400 people died and still counting.  Magnitude: 6.9

Who's next!?  That is so scary.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ear infections aren't fun

Good Lord Almighty.  Why did he create ear infections?  To make parents go out of their minds.  Scratch that: to make SICK parents go crazy!

Hot damn, I'm sick.  I feel like I have the flu, but I have no fever.  I guess I can thank Him for that.  So it's just a cold.  But having a cold AND taking care of a ear infected's like eating hot dogs with bacon and's too much!

But I think I took a step forward today.  I let my mother-in-law come to babysit while I went to do the groceries and get cracked by my wonderful chiro.  For those of you who are wondering why this is a big deal for me, my parents-in-law are special.  Not, God I hate them, special.  Special like, omg how come grown adults have so many problems, special....Fear of everything, LOTS of insecurities, intense, hyperactive, and then some.  BUT, I have to say their parents were a lot worse, so whaddya expect...

At least Daddy didn't inherit all of their problems, some if it, and he's in the works of getting rid of them.  Not easy when you grew up with parents like that.  At least, he's trying to be better, which is kinda the point in life, right?  Be better, live better, evolve, adapt, just be the best person you can.

Speaking of him...he's now watching the Habs play in the first round of the playoffs.  My prediction: loose in 6 games.  We'll see if I'm right.

OK, gotta go swallow a couple Motrin and get to my Cheetos.  Might make hockey better...

Good night, my good friends!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Uh oh...

I think I caught Baby's cold....

Eyes feels hot, tingling in my throat, feels tired...

DAMIT!  I'll make Tylenol my friend for tonight, hoping it's nothing.
Heads up for postings of a sick mom.

I think I'll go to bed now.  Ugh.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Can I sleep now?

Boy, am I tired!

Baby has had a high fever for 2 days now, and it ain't over.  And he wakes up at night because he's not feeling well.  Poor thing.  But damn, poor me! I want to sleep!

We're hoping is roseola.  Waiting for the red spots to appear, that'll make my day!

Weather's been awesome here, I wish I could go biking.  Maybe later this week.  I'll have to post a pic of my pop-cycle :)  

I think we're taking it easy tonight, might watch a  movie with Daddy.  Or just sleep through it.  Hubby has the day off tomorrow, sooooooo happy!

OT:  I'm due to go see a show, a stand-up comic, something!  Maybe I just need to get out of the house...sigh...Who wants to take me out?!?  ooooo, a ball game would rock!  It's been so long!

Good night invisible friends, I hope you sleep through the night.  Me, maybe next week!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tea Time!

Two nights ago, I learned what it's like to be (somewhat) British!

A few friends of mine came over for tea.  One of them has family in Britain, and we thought it might be fun to have a tea party.  Mind you, it wasn't at the right time, we gathered at my place after dinner, but it was a lot of fun.

Clotted cream, strawberries, scones, apple crisp, and a nice tea set.  We gossiped over tea and dessert, and we really enjoyed our time together.  What a night :)

Daddy and I are very tired this morning.  We had a feverish baby last night.  From 1 to 4.  Zzzzzzzz.  Thank goodness this morning he's his normal self.  We suspect teething.

Oh, oh, oh!  And since the dollar is par with USD, I'm thinking about going shopping in Syracuse!  I don't need much, but heck, I can find something I need!  I'll have to find myself some friends to drive over there with, I'm not a fan of going through customs by myself.  I'm a big wuss.

Now, time for nap, for both Baby and Parents...  nighty night :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hockey coach meltdown

This has made the news a week or two ago.  I just had to post it.

The American League's Abbotsford Heat coach, Jim Mayfair, lost his mind as a referee kicked one of his players out of the game.  I saw it on the news and my jaw just dropped...

An adult throwing a tantrum.

Watch this

Baby is amazing! And so is my soup.

I'm so impressed!

Went to fetch Baby at daycare today.  He was going for 3 hours this week, to get used to the place.  Daycare lady told me it takes a few weeks for them to get accustom to the environment, the other kids, the food, etc.

Well well, not my Jacob!  When we got there, he was sitting with an older girl playing with the same toy!  All the other kids (babies and toddlers) were in the other room.  No, Jacob likes to be alone with girls...!

I was told that he could start going full time as of tomorrow because he's a really good baby....

Hear that 2 other daycares I went to that told me my baby was a bad one...hear that!!!  Et vlan dans les dents!

In other news:  My boss is going to Cuba, I'm so jealous.  My good friend is an aunt for the second time, a boy.  I'm now preparing leek and potato soup, and stew in my crock pot.  Aaaand that's about it.  Oh yeah, and Daddy and I are thinking about getting a joint account...damn it's complicated to have our money separately :)

And a special shout out to two of my friends who have made my day this week.  Mel P., the girl with the smile, the charisma and the camera.  I wish we'd see you more often.  Don't forget to come ring our bell soon, or we'll have to start stalking your house.  And my good friend Chris L., also known as Link, who's a great guy from North Carolina, has his morning coffee in the best place on Earth and is the best FarmVille neighbour a girl could have.  Looking forward to completing jobs with ya Chris!  And not to say you're old or anything, but my dad was born the same year as!! Love ya!

For soup tasting, tickets will be on sale tomorrow...if there's any left!

Good eeeeeeevening, as Poirot would say....(Poirot...leek soup...oh, the possibilities...)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ummm, what?!

Just called back the daycare to let them know I wasn't going to be needing their spot.

And guess an hour, they gave the spot to someone else...MY SPOT!!  Oh, how they are lucky that I was calling to cancel, because I would have showed up there with some really bad words for them!

Wow, now I'm really appreciating my current daycare!

Conclusion: Life is well planned out.  Even if you don't believe it is.  And a lot of assholes work in daycares, thankfully, not mine.

Eff you, other daycare, for giving my sport away in ONE HOUR after noticing me.  Eff you!

Now, back to our regular programming...

What a good morning!

I can now exhale.

Baby went to daycare this morning.  I took him, a tear in my eye.  My heart sagged when I left, but I knew he was in very good hands.  Thank goodness I was at a hair appointment, one of my favourite thing is having my hair done, so it distracted me.  Hubby went to get him and he was told he had a nice morning, that he was a "good little chief"!   Aaaaaaand breathe out....

I'm still sweaty from the stress (maybe I should go change my shirt..), but I'm so relieved!

On another good note, my hair looks super!  Got some highlights and some bangs to hide the baby hair that's sloooooooowly growing back.  Ain't that swell!

And to top things off, ladies and gentlemen....we got a call for a subsidized daycare, the one that we were eying for a long time!  And you know what?  They can give my spot to someone else.  My daycare may be stupid expensive, but she's a mother of 6, worked as a nurse.  Now try to top that, mister!

So the rest of the day will be spent hugging Baby and kissing him, as I missed him a lot this morning.  Tomorrow, I will relax and maybe find a few caches, something I've been itching to do for a few weeks!

It's cloudy, but there's sunshine in my life!

Monday, April 5, 2010

A New Day has come

Just like Céline says.

Tomorrow starts daycare.  I write about it tonight because I'm sad, scared, and excited.  Pretty confusing emotions.

Sad that my child will now be spending his days with someone other than me.

Scared that he will be stressed, anxious and will have difficulty adapting to this new life.

Excited that I get a break, that I'll be having somewhat of a vacation before I go back to work, excited that I'll be able to get back to geocaching, biking, shopping.

I guess separation anxiety does not only occur in babies!!

Wish us good luck!! This week will be a hard one, but will start our life on a new path, a new beat.

Good night, invisible friends....I need a hug right now!!    xox

Friday, April 2, 2010

Sitting on the porch

Tonight was a lovely night.

An old friend from high school lives a few doors from me.  We say hi from time to time on Facebook, but tonight, I decided to do it the old fashion way.

I took Baby in my arms and went to ring her doorbell.

She was watching tv, I don't know if I was disturbing her show or what, but she let me in anyways.  I had not called ahead, not planned it, I just went to say hi.

We sat on the porch for about an hour, just catching up, talking about life in general, gardening, kids...

I went home a happier person.

Sometimes, you just have to ring someone's doorbell to find out how life is beautiful.  The simplest things.
I had a great night talking with you Mélanie, I hope you come ring my doorbell too from time to time.

A great night indeed.

Ring someone's doorbell this week, you'll see what I mean.
Good night, invisible friends! xox