From the bags under their eyes. Thank goodness for concealer.
Sleep deprivation is a cruel enemy. Lucky am I to have a partner that is understanding and supportive. I also have to point out that female hormones are also a vile enemy...
This weekend we get a break. We get to spend the weekend in Montreal, the guys go see the Habs play and we go to the spa. Alleluia! I'm looking forward to the good times, the good food, the good alcohol (hey, I'm no angel, just a cheap drunk (in moderation of course!)) and the lack of crying! And on top of that, I get to miss my little baby and appreciate seeing him again on Sunday. We have a WINNER!!!
I'd like to thank Jodi Mindell for writing a book called "Sleeping through the night". It brings me comfort to know that I'm not the only exhausted person with a baby that has trouble napping. Thank the Lord, he sleeps all night. I think I'd go mad, like the Mad Hatter. I just don't like tea much.

Now, time to take care of those bags under my eyes....SLEEP!
Goodnight, farewell, au revoir!!
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