Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Spring!

Ah, the smell of freshly thawed dog poop, the mud and the rain...Lucky us, none of that this year!

Did the ground ever freeze?  Yeah, for like a week.

Time for spring cleaning!  I've been meaning to go through my stuff and give away what I don't need.  This is the perfect time to do it: the sun is out.  That means my mood is up = more patience = more cleaning out things = less clutter.  Ahhhhhh, I feel good just writting about it!

But spring also means going back to work.  Snifffffff.  I'm glad to be going back, but it'll probably last 2 days or so.  I'll miss my little guy so much.  He better love his new daycare because I'm not going to tolerate any bad babysitters anymore.  It's going to be freeeegggggin' expensive, but as long as he's a happy baby, I'll be a happy mom.

Oh, and it's tax time too.  And I owe a lot :(  They don't take a lot of taxes off our mat leave pay, so we get a nice big bill from the governement in April.  Thank goodness I plan ahead!  Still sucks to have a nice big bank account get almost empty, even when you knew it was going to happen.  I need to win the lottery...

The sun is out, that means walking with Jacob to the Salvation Army to give away a bag of things.

Have a great day, invisible friends! xo

1 comment:

  1. Yep!! Spring Cleaning time for me too... Sooooooooo many clothes to bring to the Salvation Army! Cant wait to do a major cleanup :)

    p.s. Mat leave is flying by! Tell me about it...
