Ho. LLY! Jeez, it's about time I got a new flat iron for my frizzy hair!
Sorry men, this will be girl talk for a few lines.

So my flat iron was getting old. I've had it for a few years now (too many), and all it does now is fry my hair, but stupid me I kept it. I started not using it and procrastinating buying a new one. I dunno, maybe I was attached to it or something. I wanted a CHI, which is the cadillac of flat irons, and dammit I had a rough time getting one. I won't go into details, but it's part of why I had a shitty week. So then, today,
DING, lightbulb. Hey, I don't HAVE to get a CHI, I can buy another brand for crying out loud! Yep, sometimes, it takes a while for me to get it. So yeah, I got another brand from a salon at work. And with the taxes, it was less expensive than the CHI. Man, I'm so square sometimes :P
So yeah, now I'll have nice hair. It is a big deal, don't roll your eyes like that! hahah!
Good night kiddies, lots of love! xoxo
Hahaha you're so cute MJ!! Congrats on your new flat iron! Fred gave me a really good one last xmas... and honestly, I couldn't live without it!! So I'm very happy for you!! Flat irons make life soooo much easier ;)
Aren't you right! Damn, it's working like a charm, je capote!